wealthy businessman synonym

bludge synonym | English synonyms dictionary | Reverso.
Definition of businessman from all online and printed.
baron, big businessman, business leader, king, magnate, mogul, power, top executive, tycoon(noun). a very wealthy or powerful businessman. Synonyms:.
tycoon definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'toon',typhoon' . magnate, merchant prince, mogul, plutocrat, potentate, wealthy businessman.
businessperson - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com.
Magnat - definition of Magnat by the Free Online Dictionary.
wealthy businessman synonym
magnate synonym.Definition of power - WordPlays.
May 24, 2013. He continues, “These guys are businessmen. They know what the. 6 Responses to “Wealthy Libertarian” Is a Synonym For… albanaeon says:.
Magnat synonyms, Magnat antonyms. Information about Magnat. Noun, 1. magnate - a very wealthy or powerful businessman; "an oil baron". big businessman.
Translations of substantial. substantial synonyms, substantial antonyms.. solido/ a; (meal) → sostanzioso/a; (wealthy, landowner, businessman) → ricco/a. b.
You are here; > Home; > English Thesaurus; > Synonyms for “underworld”. ( informal), criminal element • a wealthy businessman with underworld connections.
Interglot - "power": Synonyms in English.
baron, big businessman, business leader, king, magnate, mogul, power, top executive, tycoon(noun). a very wealthy or powerful businessman. Synonyms:.
Lookup the definition of the word king in the dictionary. Get the.
Synonyms: bourgeois. Examples: show 50 examples. hide 50 examples. William Maxwell Aitken. British newspaper publisher and politician (born in Canada);.
power: synonyms, definitions, and usage.. top executive, tycoon, businessman, man of affairs: usage: a very wealthy or powerful businessman; "an oil baron".
bludgeon meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'budge',blue' ,burgeon'. A wealthy businessman has been found bludgeoned to death.
wealthy businessman synonym
baron synonym.Synonyms of King - Scrabble Word Finder.
fat cat [successful businessman who is greedy for wealth] definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'fatly',fatness',brown fat',chew the fat'.
Definitions of list of armenian businesspeople, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives . Gagik Tsarukian- the wealthiest businessman in Armenia; Ruben Arutunyan-.